
nearly 20 years of wolfpack

It's kind of ironic that we used to tell kids on the playground that I had a sister that died of insomnia ...

Yesterday, when my oldest friend caught wind of the fact that I was in Austin, 3.5 hours away from her, she pulled a crazy and took me up on it when I told her I was worth the visit and she should come rub my belly. We talked. She asked what my evening plans were. And when I said none, she said, "Good. I'm 40 minutes into the drive." DOLPHIN SQUEAL!

It was definitely a wild night. We got wasted & kidnapped Mike Tyson's tiger.

Wait. Or - we had a lovely, big girl dinner complete with grandma-purse-table-hangers and discussions of business and careers and her upcoming wedding and my obvious (currently: hiccuping) bulge.

Then, best I can tell, neither of us were able to fall asleep until mere seconds before a fire alarm Nikki's iPhone sounded (promptly at 6 am).

It was a blissful visit and I'm delighted she came - what a great belly-rubber!

I miss and love you NMMalmostB.


Anonymous said...

Awe, thanks! I'm so so so so glad I got to see you. You better tell me next time you're in the tri-state area.-Nikki

Anonymous said...

P.S. I watched part of Jon's movie on lifetime and now I feel dirty.