
one of those days

Put my panties on inside out. Couldn't be bothered to correct this.

Cleaned 16 gallons of dog vomit. Nursed sick dog all day.

Different-kind-of-nursed (adorable) bottomless pit all day.

Did both simultaneously.

Downstairs business = broken.
Door #1: Peeing blood and fire. Waiting for antibiotics to work.
Door #2: 17 stitches.
Door #3: Loretta invited all her friends to celebrate when she realized I was giving birth. No one got the memo that the party is now over, so all those hemorrhoids are still working out their sorority picture poses for partypics.com. Password? Yeouch.

Leaned over the washing machine and into some bleach while wearing my favorite long sleeved shirt. My ... "projections" ... now have "artistical white nipples." Not cute.

But it was the best kind of day.
I got to hang out with/take care of/love on my sweet boys.

AND! (New party trick) While laying in the bathtub I started expressing some milk - turning my boobs into the fountains at the Bellagio in Vegas. Banks caught on and starting swatting at the milk, then realized it tasted good. So I sprayed the entire rim of the tub for her. 5 minutes later - it's never been so clean. Drinking milk from a saucer is so passe.

(So I guess in some way, I nursed almost all the animals today.)


Whit said...

Thank you... I seriously needed a good laugh today! You are the best!

Susan & Phil said...

Katie, You should be a writer...this stuff is hilarious!